Anchorage has done it again! They are ruling the imperial stout scene and Into Nothingness is no exception.
But don’t just take my word for it– listen to this reviewer from BeerAdvocate:
“It is truly a bananas foster representation with luscious vanilla beans and rich banana flavor. It is just remarkably epic and I don’t know how they pull these stouts together. One of the best beers in my lifetime.”
You know you want it.

But let’s not forget why we fell in love with Anchorage in the first place– for their phenomenal wild ales. And we have two that bring on the funk.
The Oracle / Wild Ale / 6.4% ABV
Fermented and aged in Missouri oak foeders. Finished on hand-picked Alaskan blueberries and haskap berries.
May the Wild Prevail / Wild Ale / 9% ABV
Fermented in French oak. Finished on pineapple and passionfruit. Dry hopped with strata.

Need something light and refreshing? Look no further than Popihn. They’ve delivered a fresh selection of IPAs and Berliner Weisse–
- Barbe rouge/Idaho7/Rakau – NEIPA – 7.1%
- Florida Weisse Passion/ Goyave/ Piment Végétarien – Berliner Weisse – 5.5%
- NZ Rogue/Pacifica/Rakau/Wakatu – DIPA – 8.3%
- Rakau/Mosaic/Citra – TIPA – 10%
***Available in both cans and kegs!
Is your allegiance sworn to the Dark Side? Popihn has also got you covered with:
– Imperial Baltic Porter Clémentine – 11%
– RIS BA 4/4 Bourbon / Mezcal / Panama Rum / Trinidad Rum – 12.5%
– RIS BBA 22 & 12 mois / vanille beans – 13%

And finally, get ready for the last minute Christmas shoppers and stock your shelves with this Christmas sour from Prairie Artisan Ales.
Seasick Crocodile / Sour Ale / 6.3%ABV
Inspired by this line from the Grinch, “You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch,” this sour ale with cranberries, ginger, cinnamon & nutmeg will get even the meanest Grinch into the Christmas spirit.